With the pace of life, demands of work and the stresses and strains of running a household, sometimes we all need a break from the hustle and bustle in order to switch off and relax. Nottinghamshire has its very own answer to these stresses and it's an experience like no other! Calm Water Flotation, located in West Bridgford, offers you the chance to escape for an hour within one of their very unique pods, allowing you to float and let all your problems simply drift away. The process is simple: Calm Water Flotation has Flotation Tanks containing an Epsom Salt Solution which aids your ability to float. No special Calm-water-4skills are required, all you need to do is lie back, close your eyes and let the tank do the rest. After one hour, all mental and physical stresses leave your body. Some might say it activates a reset button in your body and you return to a calm state. The one hour treatment is something not to be missed and here at Experience Nottinghamshire we feel we must share this experience with you. We are offering one lucky person the opportunity to WIN two passes for a Flotation experience. Simply answer the question below and fill in your details for the opportunity to try this fantastic treatment. The closing date for entries is Friday 18th OctoberIn Notts We Love To Spoil You Rotten... [gravityform id="14" name="Calm Water Flotation " title="false" description="false"]




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