Nottinghamshire County Council’s country parks welcomed thousands of visitors this weekend amid the sunshine.

With the county enjoying hot weather on Sunday, many people took the opportunity to visit Bestwood, Sherwood Forest and Rufford Abbey country parks.

Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve estimated that 2,000 visitors were there on Sunday, and for Rufford Abbey there were approximately 3,000 visitors yesterday.

Councillor John Knight, Committee Vice-Chairman for Culture, at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The warm weather this weekend was a real bonus and it is great news that so many people decided to enjoy the lovely sunshine at our country parks, whether taking part in leisure activities or just relaxing and enjoying the countryside and surrounds.”

At Bestwood, families and young children enjoyed time in the adventure playground, while horseriders and walkers also enjoyed the March sun. And a ladies hedgelaying course also proved popular.

Sue McDonald, Community Liaison Officer, at Bestwood Country Park said: “The park was certainly the busiest it has been so far this year. The car park was still more than three quarters full late on Sunday afternoon and that was gone 4pm!”

For more information about events and activities taking place at Nottinghamshire’s country parks, visit:




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