YOGA I AM has launched its new urban wellness retreat packages in Nottingham City Centre today.  Packages including varying types of yoga, meditation, energy healing and juice detox programmes are all set to take place in a new centre based at a Grade I listed mews cottage, in the heart of Nottingham. The wellness retreat experts already offer packages at a sister resort in Ibiza and look forward to welcoming customers wishing to escape and improve their health to their new Nottingham City Centre retreat.  From detox packages with juicing, tantric yoga for couples, hot yoga, meditation, energy healing sessions, hatha yoga practice and tuition to just a calm serene weekend stay with a heart, the retreat is set to be the place to go for wellbeing. Perfect timing ready for January when everyone is looking to fulfill resolutions and bring in a new year with a healthy start. Packages can be tailored to the needs of the individual, based on hourly, daily, weekend or week long stays and combining as many or few of the holistic packages Yoga I Am have to offer. Shakti Shira Bassi, author, coach and yoga expert, is leading the new venture and said “We are excited to be bringing our services to Nottingham and look forward to introducing guests to our healing experience.  Our accommodation is warm, welcoming and cosy and our intention is to create a space of peace amongst the hustle of the busy city centre”. To celebrate the launch, YOGA I AM are holding a FREE YOGA DAY at the Nottingham Tourism Centre on Smithy Row, just off Old Market Square.  Visitors can trial some of the services Yoga I Am will be offering from their new retreat, have an introduction to yoga and the opportunity to meet the Yoga I Am team on Saturday 24th January 2015 between 2pm and 4pm.




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